I hope you'll copy it and refer to it throughout the month to pray for everyone. If you'd like to add your own tribute to the Memorial Wall, please follow the directions mentioned here. I'd be honored to add your precious memory.
11/01/2011 * Joyce * Dennis, Leukemia * Eric, age 15, and Samantha age 21 * It’s been a long tough road but God has been faithful, more faithful than I ever imagined he could be! * Ohio
11/01/2009 * Linda * Eddie; Cause of death: Heart attack at age 54 * Michelle, 30; Vince, 27; Amanda, 24 * We were married 32 years. "Honey, you were truly God's gift to me and blessing to our 3 children. I prayed for a godly, Christian man and God brought you to my door. Thank you for blessing my life so deeply with your goodness, your beautiful, devoted love and your laughter. I can say I am fulfilled. We miss you so very much. Praise God for his faithfulness that He will never leave us or forsake us. We hold on to Him each moment, each day. Honey, we all look forward to seeing you again according to God's word. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. * Riverside County
11/02/2014 * Maureen. * "Eddie." Died of heart attack. Had congestive heart failure and was on oxygen 24/7 * Children: Meghan 29 and Justin 25. * Eddie was my best friend and my husband of 33 years. I miss him so much but happy we will meet again one day * Georgia
11/2/2010 * Sheila * Tony * My sweet husband, Tony, died Tuesday, November 2, 2010 on a blazingly beautiful autumn day from sepsis resulting in cardio-pulmonary collapse just 13 days after his 63rd birthday and 29.8 years of marriage.
11/3/2014 * Vicky * Russell, 54 died suddenly of heart failure due to complications of illness. * Chancey 20. * Russ is the love of my life. A great and loving husband and father. He was an Army Veteran serving his country proudly most of his life. Chancey and I miss Russ so much! We love him always and forever!
11/4/2013 * I am Sandy. My husband was Greg and his heart stopped. * Our kids, Matthew, Tim and Abi, were 29, 26 and 20 when their Dad died. Our grandchild was 1 year and 1 week old. * My husband was disabled with many physical challenges, but his heart was always fine. I believe God let his heart stop so that I would know it was God's hand and not anything I had failed to do in his medical care. His heart stopped on the 1st and was revived, but after 23 minutes. I knew he was gone then, but he was declared dead on the 4th.
11/04/2013 * Maureen. * "Eddie." Died of heart attack. Had congestive heart failure and was on oxygen 24/7 * Children: Meghan 29 and Justin 25. * Eddie was my best friend and my husband of 33 years. I miss him so much but happy we will meet again one day * Georgia
11/4/2010 * Cheryl * Jerry - suicide * Christine 41, Cindy 39, Cara 34; Grandchildren - Summer 15, Jared 12, Andrew 5, Carson 4, Elizabeth 19 months * My sweet husband of 43 years this February........we didn't quite make it. My heart aches every hour of every day for you. We will always wonder why....we all love you so very much.
11/5/2011 * Ann * David F. Schubert * Glioblastoma Multiforme * Kelly 34, Kristy 32, Heath 26 *
David was 63 when he died; he was a charter member of the Navy Seal Team 6. We were married for 4.5 years and he was a man of such godly integrity. I thank God for the time we had together (short as it was) - I miss him every day. It is still so very surreal. He loved Jesus and I know we will be together again. * Tennessee
11/6/14 * Wendy – my husband passed away on 11/6/14 from complications of colorectal cancer at the age of 55. We have two children who are now teenagers. * Life is difficult and the best way I’ve learned to cope is by getting to know Jesus. I feel His presence in my life and seek to know Him better to the point that I completely surrender to His will. I face many tough decisions and pray for His guidance that He reach my heart in making the right moves and that my children discover His love and open their hearts to His divinity. Amen
11/08/2010 * Stephanie * Greg - oral cancer * Luke, 7; Dylan, 17 * My love, my life, my everything.
11/10/2010 * Ruth * Jake - Pancreatic Cancer * Steve, adult; Granddaughter Kai, 5; I am thankful for 38 years, being married to my best friend.
11/10/2009 * Candy * Bob - non-hodgkins lymphoma * Leah, age 35; Annisssa, age 33; Charity, age 32; Tshanina, age 30 * The most important things in Bob's life were in this order: God, Wife, Daughters, Others * Tennessee
11/11/2011 * Susan * David passed on 11-11-11 in Tijuana, Mexico where he was valiantly fighting the final battles of his 7-year-long war against advanced stage prostate cancer and, eventually, squamous cell cancer in his bladder. It was a David vs. Goliath-type of battle!!! He was 57 years old when he went to Heaven to be eternally healthy, happy, and whole with his Lord and Savior!
* He is, also, survived by his daughter Sabrina (32), his son Jonathan (27), and, those who called him "Papa," Sabrina's children: Deseree (17), Triston (11), and Dylan (3). * I thank God daily for allowing me to share my life with David for 29 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days! He is greatly missed, but, oh, what an adventure!
11/13/2011 * Dodi Bivins * Thomas J. Bivins - age 54 - massive stroke * Daughter Myra J. Bivins - age 25 * Thomas was a true humanitarian to the very end. If there is such a thing as loving too much I can say with all honesty, he did. His first love and devotion was to the Lord, secondly to me and our
daughter Myra, thirdly to anyone who was hurting or in need. We hear today a lot about setting boundaries - Thomas forgot to do this, His energy was endless, he treated all people with grace and dignity, and was never a respector of persons. Thomas was a Bi-vocational Pastor and Funeral Director/Embalmer. Pastoral care and Funeral Service to him was a mission field and ministry. I shared with my sister the other day, that now Tom is in heaven we know he's not doing any embalming. One of his favorite songs he would sometimes sing to me was "I Want To Stroll Over Heaven With You." Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday, everytime our heart beats we sense their very presence, always near, still loved, still missed. Psalm 116:15 - Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints. This is not good-bye, just good-night ~
11/15/2013 * Cherisa * Mark - suicide * Evan, 6 months * A true love story never ends.
11/16/2013 * Shirley Pheasant * Mark, parkinson disease at age 58 * Jeremy, 32; Timothy, 28; Paula, 27; grandchild: Graham, 6 * Mark was diagnosed with PD in 2005; his disease advanced very quickly and was severe. It was hard to see him suffering as he lost ability to walk, talk, and even eat. He is greatly missed, but we are comforted in knowing that he is now walking and talking with a perfectly whole body. And best of all is the hope of a grand reunion someday! * PA
11/16/12 * Rebecca * Greg died during heart by-pass surgery * Caleb-12, Levi-9, Emma Grace-3 1/2
I always knew that Greg cherished the kids and I greatly. I'm thankful for the 16 years we were married and am looking forward to seeing him raised again someday! * North Carolina
11/19/2014 * Bob * Teresa died of Bladder cancer after 3 year battle * Darcy 42, Jude 40, Wendy 36, Mishelle 27, Paulina and Laura 25. (13 grandchildren too) * We were married for 33 years, 7 months and ministered together in several countries. * Ontario, Canada
11/19/2012 * Diane * Rodney * fought an amazing and courageous fight with Multiple Myeloma caused by Agent Orange in Vietnam...he was 63. Married 1 1/2 months shy of 39 years. I miss his smile, intelligence, friendship, companionship, wisdom, guidance, and sense of humor. I miss him daily, but am over-joyed that he is at Home with his Savior...I will join him someday! Praise the Lord!11/19/2014 * Bob * Teresa died of Bladder cancer after 3 year battle * Darcy 42, Jude 40, Wendy 36, Mishelle 27, Paulina and Laura 25. (13 grandchildren too) * We were married for 33 years, 7 months and ministered together in several countries. * Ontario, Canada
11/21/2009 * Glenda * Dan - ALS (Lou Gehrigs). We were married 3 months short of 50 years. I miss him every waking moment.
11/22/2013 * Sandra * “Klaus,” cancer * our son was 20 at the time of his father’s passing. We have together 7 Children. A Patchwork Family. * He accepted Christ the day before he died. He died at home, just as he wanted. * My husband was German, therefore I now live in Germany and have for almost 14 years.
11/24/2010 * Ruth * Dan, age 57 - heart attack after 41 years of diabetes * Philip, 30; Andrew, 27; John, 24; 5 grandchildren (+ one born 3 weeks later). He preached about the glories of Heaven and how he longed to kiss the feet of Jesus - 3 days before he got his wish. My Beloved, I thank God for the 34 years we had; you were the best!
11/25/2013 * Mary Trombley * Michael Trombley - leukemia * Christopher (32), Kenneth (26) and David (21). Grandsons: Eric (8) and Dustin (4) lost their beloved “Papa”, too * Michael struggled with the disease and the after effects of the stem cell transplant that he never fully recovered from. To the morning he passed, everyone expected him to pull through. Michael love the Lord and I am thankful he is out of pain and dancing in heaven. Dallas, TX
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