Thursday, August 25, 2016

A Personal Note

Today I'm writing to you from a hospital room. It's a little before 7 a.m. and I've spent the night here to be near my husband, Tom. He was in a motorcycle accident yesterday morning on his way to work.

Gallant man that he is, he rode his bike because my vehicle was in the shop for repairs, and I drove his car to my job at a school library. I even drove past his accident scene, wondering why in the world the ambulance had to park smack dab in the middle of the intersection. Never once did I suspect it was so they could lift him off the pavement.

His injuries aren't as bad as many motorcycle accidents, thank the Lord. I know that several of you reading this were widowed that way and my heart goes out to you. But Tom called me from the site, told me to meet him at the E.R. Then he called a co-worker and told him he couldn't come to work! The man is strong as an ox!

But he will be here several days, and recuperation will take weeks. I don't think either of us can really wrap our head around what that will be like. I can't imagine him down for more than a week, so this will be a new experience for us. He's never been hospitalized! I haven't either, except for healthy baby deliveries. In fact, hooked up to IV's and monitors yesterday he commented about getting a better understanding of what his first wife, Marilyn, must have gone through with her many procedures before she passed away from ovarian cancer.

Well, I'm getting wordy. I only intended to ask for prayer and to explain that I won't be blogging very regularly, and I don't know when I'll get to Facebook requests. My life is on hold at the moment and Tom's the priority. He has broken ribs and a broken shoulder blade plus a small lung perforation. Today he might be moved out of the trauma unit to a regular room if his oxygen levels are acceptable. Then there will be a few more days here at the hospital for pain management. I have no idea what he'll need once he gets home. But the Lord knows and He will help us through. Yesterday He gave me hope through this verse in Proverbs 24:16a--For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again... I know that in this fallen world there will come a day when we don't rise again, but I have a peace in my heart that this is simply one of the seven stumbles. We'll get back up this time. And that's a good reason to pray because I'm sure it won't be without a struggle and with what my neighbor Nancy refers to as "gettin' ugly." lol

It's been a wonderful encouragement already to know our church was praying for us last night, to have co-workers at each of our jobs tell us, "We've got you covered, you do what you need to do and don't worry about us," and to hear from far away family scrambling like fighter jets to fly to our aid. We are loved, and we feel it.

You are loved too. May your eyes (and mine) be opened more and more to the heights and depths of God's love and the love of the people He surrounds you with. Bask in it today. I'll keep praying for you, and you please pray for Tom and me.

love to you,


  1. Dear Ferree ~ I pray that Tom's healing will be swift and complete. May you feel the love, peace and strength of Jesus, our great God Almighty flowing through and surrounding the both of you.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  2. Keeping both of you in prayer. So sorry this happened. Yvonne Karr

  3. Praying for both of you, lifting Tom up to the Lord for a fast and wonderful recovery.

  4. Oh Ferree! You both will be much in my prayers.


  5. Praying for you. May the good Lord give you strength in the coming days. Bobby's wife died of Ovarian cancer too.

  6. Ferree both you and Tom will be in my prayers. I trust and believe that God will give you both the strength you need to get through this.

    Blessings to you both.

    Tanya B.

  7. Praying for a speedy recovery!!
    Miriam F.

  8. Ferree, I am so very thankful to read that Tom will recover from this accident. I can't imagine the mixed feelings as you realized it was him you drive past. You will both be in my prayers for healing, strength, rest and peace!! God Be With You! Cindy

  9. Deep with prayers for & on you and Tom today, Ferree. Pat

  10. I'm so sorry, Ferree, but thankful that his injuries were not more serious. I am praying for a much speedier recovery than the medical professionals could imagine and that God would give you and Tom His perfect peace and comfort.

  11. Praying for both of you!

  12. I am so glad Tom's njuries were not 'life threatening'. Many of us have spent time in a trauma unit and know the feelings you must have felt. You have been 'here' for us, now, we are praying for you and for Tom.

  13. Prayers for you and your husband.

  14. So sorry Ferree. Just got home from vacation and read this. God will bring you both through this most difficult time. Love and prayers.

  15. Ferree - God's grace, strength and peace to you both. A few weeks ago I read this precious comforting promise from Psalm 57:1's just one of those promises that put's it's arms around you and hugs you.

    Be merciful to me O God, be merciful unto me, for my soul TRUSTS in you in the shadow of Your wings I will rest and make my
    refuge, Until these calamites be passed by.


  16. Hi Ferree, So sorry to hear about Tom. I trust he's getting better. May God speed up his recovery without complication and strengthen you to minister to him. Franca


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