Thursday, July 9, 2015

Why Not Write Your Own "Letter to Me?"

Didn't  you love Becky's "Letter to Me" yesterday? In the comments Jackie said, "thank you for sharing your heart and my thoughts..." I'm sure Becky isn't a mind reader, but her words echoed what many Christian widows would also say. Married women were also touched and encouraged to see how the Lord strengthens and graces the widow.
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 Here at the WCP I've been receiving similar letters in my P.O. box. Back in April we started the following:
A Letter to Your Future Self.

If you'd like to join in, it's not too late. Just follow the instructions below to create your very own Letter to Me; but unlike Becky's which was what she'd tell herself as a new widow, this is a letter to your future, to remind yourself what the Lord has already brought you through and the goals and dreams He is beginning to formulate in your heart.. 
  1. Copy and paste the following letter to a page you can print. Fill in the blanks and mail it immediately to Widows Christian Place, PO Box 4596, Florence, SC 29502-4596 USA
  2. I'm not going to open it so BE SURE to put your return address on it!!!
  3. I'll return it to you in December.
Answer any of the following questions you want. Cross out or delete the others. Feel free to use this with your widows groups too.
If you need more space grab another sheet of paper and write to your heart's content. Let me say it again---Mail your letter immediately! Otherwise you'll forget (I know the fog of widow brain)! If you want to change your answers, that's ok, just send in another copy before Sept. 20, 2015.
I look forward to hearing from you! And if you'd rather come pick up your letter instead of having me mail it to you, be sure to sign up for A Weekend With The Author, December 4-6. I'd love to meet you in person!
Dear Me,
Here's what my life is like on this date: __________, 2015
I live at this location:
Names of the people living with me (if any):
My closest family members are:
My closest friends are:
I work and/or volunteer at:
I go to church at:
People would describe me as:
If widowhood is like a marathon I'm able to: (circle one of the following)
  • Run
  • Walk         
  • Limp               
  • Stagger
  • Crawl
I know for sure that I'll go to heaven when my time comes: (circle one) Yes Not sure
Apart from attending church, I draw strength from the Lord mostly by (circle any)
  • prayer             
  • Bible reading                  
  • memorizing Scripture        
  • inspirational reading           
  • Christian music                            
  • talking to friends
I'd describe my relationship and trust with God as:
An event I'm looking forward to this summer is:
Besides grief, my most frequent emotion is:
Am I getting enough exercise, healthy nutrition, and sleep?
What is one thing I can start doing today that will be good for me?
What is the most important thing I've learned thus far from widowhood?
What would I like to remember months from today?
Is there anything else I'd like to say?

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