Monday, March 22, 2021

Re-connect With An Old Radio Ministry

Do you listen to Focus On the Family Radio?

I must admit that once I quit driving the kids to school I didn't turn the radio on at that time of day anymore. But I recently reconnected, and there's a lot of good help. I hope you can visit their website soon. I think the stories on this particular broadcast will warm your heart and revive your commitment to Christ today.

❤ Ferree 

Here's a link to the broadcast, and a copy of the email I received from Focus that prompted my interest: 

Inspirational Stories to Help You Feel God’s Presence 

When was the last time you felt really connected to God?

Most of us go through spiritually dry seasons at times, when we may
not sense the Lord’s presence and involvement in our lives – 
even though intellectually we know He’s there. 
Do you find yourself in a place like this right now?

You pray, you attend church, you give faithfully, you even read your 
Bible regularly … but you’re not exactly energized every day or 
brimming with spiritual confidence.

You truly want to share your faith with others and make some kind of 
impact – you just don’t see any ways that you can right now.

Honestly, you have a lot of doubts and wonder if you’ve somehow messed 
things up too badly for God to really answer your prayers.

Last week on the Focus on the Family® Broadcast, Kim Meeder shared 
inspirational stories and insights to help us remember that God has a purpose 
for each of us – and He’s closer and more accessible than we might think.

As usual, if the link doesn't work on your phone or email, just click the title 
of this blog post so you get to the blog site itself. Or go to, click the ALL EPISODES button
and look for "Reigniting Your Passion for Jesus," March 11, 2021. 


  1. Thank you for this, Ferree! It has been years since I've listened to Focus on the Family, when our children were young and Dr. Dobson hosted it. I just might have to check this out... because this grief journey really is taking me through some spiritually rough terrain.
    -Martha T.

    1. Hi Martha, It's been years for me too and I was surprised and pleased that it remains relevant and committed to the gospel. Grief is truly a rugged wilderness, and the broadcast was like a refreshing spring. Hope you get a chance to listen. Love to you, ferree


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