Monday, May 4, 2020

Our Cry -- God's Response

Dear friends,

In keeping my own diary last week I once again landed in 2 Samuel 22. And once again saw verse 33 which I'd come across the week before a couple times. Stuff like this is not coincidental; God loves to repeat himself just so we are sure we know he is with us. If you had any "coincidences" you'd like to share please post them in the comments. Thanks!

2 Samuel 22 is chock full of our heart cries---

It starts out with naming who God is to us. He's my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my refuge, my shield, my salvation.... (verses 1-4) Which of God's attributes have you experienced?

Then I love this next section because it can describe widowhood so perfectly:
In light of your husband's death have you felt overwhelmed too? (verses 5 - 7)

  • the waves of death swirled around me
  • torrents overwhelmed me
  • cords of the grave coiled around me
  • snares of death confronted me
  • in my distress I called to the Lord 
David was praying supplication prayers like I describe in the Casting Our Prayers On God form for praying. This wasn't "Bless so and so," he was calling out to God because he was going to die without God's help! He was lamenting! God thoroughly accepts laments.

But look what happened when David called to the Lord in his distress: 
  • God heard him
  • God came down like a blasting storm of thunder and lightning! 
  • God took hold
  • God drew him out of deep waters (a widow I know named her blog "Out of Deep Waters" after her husband committed suicide)
  • God rescued and so much more...
Let me urge you to camp out in this chapter this week; unpack it personalize it, and adopt it as your own.

The elements of it are rich: 
  • Adoration (2-4) Who God is to me
  • Lament (5-7) 
  • God's response (8-21) 
  • My response (22-25) right living
  • Adoration (26-37) What God does for me
  • My response (38-43) right warfare. (Personal note: When I used to read passages like this I shrugged them off because nobody wants to kill or attack me like they did David. But then the Lord corrected my thinking because the truth is this: I do have an enemy! See Saturday's post, especially number 5. These verses apply very much to widows!) 
  • Praise! (44-51)
God, not COVID-19, is keeping us home, praying on our knees, for such a time as this. I do not know what is going on in the heavenlies, but I do know that there is much we cannot see at the moment. You are here for a purpose and a part of God's plan. I know how much widowhood hurts, the heartache, the loneliness and so much more. Praise God it won't last forever; but for now please know that you won't always just merely survive, look forward to a time you'll thrive. 

Once again, if there's anything specific I can pray about for you this week, or if you want the files to make your own diary pages please email me at  ❤

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