Monday, January 20, 2020

2 Events Coming Soon! I Hope You Can Come!

Saturday, Feb. 15 I'll be presenting a seminar in Ohio's "Amish Country."

February 15
"Shining Light On Our Sorrow & Hope" 
9:00 - 3:00
Fairlawn Mennonite Church
Apple Creek, Ohio
Tickets: $10.00 
(includes coffee & lunch & Postcards From the Widows' Path)
RSVP by Feb. 1 to Sheila 330.446.5064
Seating is limited so call soon
Hosted by "Broken Restoration" a local group of widowed and divorced women 
who support each other through all the challenges of forging a new chapter of life.

The first weekend in March I'll be facilitating a small group at the Widow's Journey Retreat in Maryland. 
March 6-8
Widow's Journey
Sandy Cove Ministries Retreat Center
North East, Maryland
(approx. one hour drive from either Philadelphia or Baltimore, 
on the northern shores of Chesapeake Bay)
Check out the program here. 
(I look forward to re-connecting with Miriam Neff and Jennifer Sands who are both mentioned in my book!)
Look into pricing here. Prices are per person. 

If you register please let me know and let's have dinner together on Friday night. 
Email me at so we can coordinate. 
This retreat has been such a blessing and turning point for so many. And with Gayle Roper's leadership and connections you will be greatly encouraged by each of the speakers.

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