Grace Fabian, July 2011 |
But the Lord's work of forgiveness in her life, her childrens' lives, and the Nabak tribe in Paupau New Guinea has been a journey of outrageous grace.
I was privileged to meet Grace in 2006 when we "just happened" to end up together as roommates at Montrose Christian Writers Conference in Montrose, PA. I plan to attend again this summer---oh my!---it's ten years later! I can't wait, it's such a spiritually refreshing time so I hope you'll enjoy reliving some of the moments with me today.
When Grace and I first met we'd both been widowed and we were both investigating whether or not we should write a book---mine would be about God's guidance for widows from the Bible's book of Ruth. Grace's would be about God's sustaining guidance and grace after she found her husband murdered while translating 1 Corinthians 13 (known to so many Christians as the Love chapter).

I'd heard her story from her own lips late into the night as we sat on our beds like schoolgirls the first time we met at the Montrose writers conference. I wept then, and I was moved again while reading about parts of her life she'd kept quiet about that night---her husband's narrow escape from eastern Europe in World War 2, the stress and injustice of the murder trial and investigation, and how her own life was verbally threatened and physically harrassed in the months following the murder!
I've also listened to her speak on the deep, ever faithful goodness, kindness and love from the hand of God--isn't that an incredible message from a widow who's husband was brutally murdered? God's grace IS outrageous, and my friend Grace IS amazing!
I have read her book. She is an amazing widow!