Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Prayer In Song

Saturday reminds us to rest sometime this weekend, and the best kind of rest is found in worship and anchoring your mind and heart to the Lord.

This video is a call to prayer that a young widow said resonates with her every time.

Sometimes we don't have the words to say. Sometimes we can't find them because our mind is still fogged over with shock--we don't even know what we need or what to say. At other times the words choke in our throat and we just. can't. physically. say. them.

Sometimes all we can do is to cry out His Name. God still hears our prayers no matter what though. He hears the heart. He knows our thoughts. He hears our needs no matter how we manage to pray...
And He will answer...

(As always, if this post arrives in your email inbox and the video or link isn't showing up, or you’d like to add a comment, simply click on the title line at the top of this page to get to the WCP blog itself so you can view it. Thanks!)

1 comment:

  1. I truly enjoyed this inspirational video, Pray. Thank you for posting. It took me back as a reminder to when I was not always able to form a thought in prayer, but was heard without doubt, as I have since come to realize.


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