Read Ruth 4:1-8

There were plenty of opportunities for nail-biting and confusion to be sure! In our day of instant messaging and fast food, we’ve lost the skill of waiting patiently, but these people remind us that it’s a necessary part of life. They waited and they survived the waiting, and we will too.
Are there days when you wish you could push a fast forward button on your life? Sometimes the hardest thing about daily life is that it’s just so…daily.
What estate settlement tasks do you need to do? Choose a date and time to start. And then watch for God in the as-it-turned-out incidents that occur in the days ahead.
As you work through these details, which character traits do you think God will challenge you with most?
- Obedience
- Patience
- Openness
- Surrender
- Honor
- Sacrifice
Dear Lord,
Are you really in the details of my life like you were with Boaz and Ruth? Open my eyes to the orchestrations and the coincidences that you are engineering on my behalf. My heart will stand on its tiptoes to watch!
Amen.(excerpts from Postcards From The Widows' Path, pages 188, 191, 192)
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