Monday, August 13, 2012

Please Stand By . . .

I'm having some back issues and need to lay off the computer. Please peruse the archives, labels, tabs across the top of this page, and the search box. Also, visit and get to know the great people in my blog roll. And please pray that a little rest will help this heal up! Thanks so much!

If you sign up for email notifications, my next posting will go straight to your email. Otherwise, check back here on Monday, August 27.
I'll still be praying for you and answering emails.


  1. Take it easy and get that back into shape.

  2. Thanks Ruth! First glance at your comment I read it as "Get bck into shape" -- and that's what I need to do. You put it so much more kindly. thank you :)

  3. Sorry about your back Ferree will be praying for you. Halima

  4. Ferree,
    I will be praying for you that with the much needed rest your back will be speedily healed. Then maybe a 30 minute walk every day will keep you in tip top condition. That's what my goal is tip top condition. LOL I will miss your blogging and want to let you know how much I enjoy reading the book I won....Billy Graham in Quotes...just got it today in the mail. Thank you so much and talk to you soon.

  5. Praying for your healing and comfort.... Back pain is the pits...I know!

  6. Regina, Dianne, Halima---thank you for your prayers! I have to finish my book too, so it's ready to hold on Sept 13 when I'll be visiting my old library back in Ohio. The time on that plus blogging would surely put my back more out of whack, but it's really hard not to have a new post up everyday for you wonderful friends. ((hugs))

  7. Hi Feree,
    Surely will remember you in my prayers. I will miss your blog.Its okay to rest and relax. God will give you the grace to do this. And will pray that may He fill you with more wisdom and divine ideas as your back is being restored.

  8. Ferree, I'll be praying for your healing. I just had back surgery myself three weeks ago so I can relate to how it can really throw things out of whack. Its so frustrating to not be able to do the things you want to do! Take care of yourself. You have so many wonderful things coming up!

  9. So sorry to hear about your back, Ferree. You are the third this week with back pain issues. My sister was hospitalized this week due to back pain and my mom's back is out too. Praying for all of you. I pray you are feeling like yourself very soon. Fight the temptation to overdue. It's not worth it.

    Thanks for your message a while back. I always am touched when you reach out. And congratulations on your upcoming book. How exciting! I know many will be blessed!


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