Thursday, July 26, 2012

An Honest Look at Suicide

The sad statistics are that almost one million people take their own lives each year, and that number will grow, according to World Health Organization estimates.1 Do you know survivors of suicide? I do, and Finding Your Way after the Suicide of Someone You Love, by David B. Biebel DMin,  & Suzanne L. Foster, MA addresses the unique challenges they may face.
Finding Your Way after the Suicide of Someone You Love
Visit Christian Book Distributors for
more reviews or to place an order.

A brief overview reveals topics such as: * Practical and wise guidance for what to do in the immediate aftermath of a suicide, (for example--how to deal with police and media) * Handling guilt and understanding the role of depression * Dealing with questions of faith and meaning  such as “Is suicide the unforgiveable sin?” (answer: no!) * What the church can do, and how to help survivors * Choosing a Christian therapist * Trusted resources and websites.
Most of the book explains the intricate issues and emotions that survivors of suicide often face. Surviving spouses, brothers, sisters, step-parents, single parents and grandparents are specifically addressed in chapters seven and eight. I appreciated the suggestions for churches and pastors and especially the Don't and and the Do lists! 
Both authors are survivors of suicide and they write with a tone of gentle authenticity, care, kindness, and hope. They say, “Both of us . . . have also experienced the remarkable power of God to redeem our journey through and beyond our deepest sorrows . . .”  

Finding Your Way after the Suicide of Someone You Love is a valuable resource for friends of those grieving a suicide, and most certainly for the survivors. Comment today for our Free Book Give-Away and it could be a valuable addition to your own or your church's library.
1From page 165 of Finding Your Way after the Suicide of Someone You Love


  1. I have a couple of friends who have experienced this tradegy. Thank you for your input.


  2. I have been reading this book. My husband died from suicide a few months ago and it's hard to understand, especially because I knew he was a strong Christian. Untreated depression is a very serious illness.

    I found the book helpful; it has a particular focus toward children who die from suicide.

    I've also found Grieving a Suicide by Albert Tsu excellent. It's from a Christian perspective as well.

    The most important thing we can do is talk about it and bring this out of the dark into His light.


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