Monday, August 15, 2011

When Jesus Knocks On The Back Door

Last Monday I wrote about this familiar painting of Christ knocking on the door of our heart. But sometimes He knocks on the back door. The entry we don't want our guests to use--the messy place where we dump the junk and burdens that pile up on a daily basis.

Sometimes this place gets so thick with grief and problems, broken hearts and broken dreams that we get drained and overwhelmed. We lose sight of God and His grace in our lives. We wonder if we still believe. We hear people talk about the Lord and they sound crazy--like they have an imaginary friend.

When we're around people of faith we feel like we're on the outside looking in. Our eyes full of yearning for the old days of sensing God's nearness. Or hearts full of bitterness and anger because we don't.

With all these contrary feelings, questioning beliefs, and physical stresses who can hear Christ knocking? How can we fight our way through to open the door? It's hard enough to get out of bed and face another day!
God knows we cannot fight. He sees us on our knees. But . . . The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down.
The Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow . . .
Psalm 146:8,9

If you're crumpled in a corner today and can't see your way through the piles of problems in your life, God is still out there, still knocking. He's come around to the back door, like family. But He won't just barge in on you. You don't need to get up, just call out and say, "Come in, Lord." 
I don't know what will happen when you do this, I only know that something will.
And, one more thing, if your door is locked, He has a key. You don't need to get up, just cry out to Him.


  1. My back door Lord.....being born and raised in the South, I totally "get that". Thanks for giving me something to think about today. \

    I so understand what you are talking about when you wrote "When we're around people of faith we feel like we're on the outside looking in. Our eyes full of yearning for the old days of sensing God's nearness". It's too painful even be around them.

    Thank you for sharing this today, Ferree.

  2. Like you were quoting on your blog today, Candy, there comes a time of testing and waiting in a widows journey. I'm writing from my heart, and I'll never forget that profound sense of loneliness and the silence, when Jesus was at the backdoor, and I didn't know it. I thank God it doesn't last forever; joy will come, please don't give up. Sending love and prayers your way today . . .

  3. I'm not a widow but I read here, hope that's ok:-) olives this and needed it! Be blessed today as you bless others! Julee

  4. Julee, you are very welcome here! We all have these days, so many things on this site apply to everyone. But I think I speak for all the widowed readers when I say, "Thank you for just being here. It's a comfort to know you care." love to you and Indiana--so sorry to hear the news from the Sugarland concert--prayers going out for the families.

  5. "you don't have to get up."

    Thank you ferree.


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