Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sometimes He Calms the storm Music Video

I think we're all feeling the load of concern for Japan and the horrific, unimaginable disasters they've experienced. I wish I could fly there and bring some of the people home with me, but I don't have a plane, or a pilot's license, or enough money to hire out for the job. There are two things we can both do, though: pray and give. I pray that God calms both the storm and the child. He has the power to do both, let's not just wish for one or the other.
Join me in giving, too.  But let your gift go in the direction of your prayer--what I mean is this: give through your church or denomination directly to Japan. Find out the names of the missionaries already there who need your money and your prayers. Send both in their direction.
May God grant you rest as you bless others with rest.

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