♥ ferree
Cicero Sings:
Out on a walk today I stepped off the beaten path to get this photo ...

Remember, we who are so "on a mission", so activity minded, time so spent is not lost time. My own D was a master at wool gathering but when he got up to move ... things got accomplished in half the time of my flutterings ... as I've mentioned before. Often, when he would be sitting, staring off into space, I'd ask, what are you thinking about?
Nothing, would be the reply. At first I couldn't understand that he could be thinking of nothing because my own mind is seldom still ...
We women have a way to go on learning the art of true wool gathering! Since D died, I've tried to practice this wool gathering first thing in the morning. My dog, Mingus, is happily snoozing and there are no distractions. I've found this time so pleasant that I almost hate to get going in the morning but finally duty calls (Mingus has to poo and pee) so it is up and at 'em.
This same day's devotional links times of reverie with times of being out in nature ... which I think also lends itself to times of refreshing. Mingus makes sure I get out into the great outdoors regardless of the weather and I'm convinced that our times wandering the trails are beneficial ... especially the times when there is just the two of us because again the mind wanders into reveries, times of talks with God and D (though D hasn't answered back!) and times for ideas to come one's way. People tell me I'm doing very good and I think I am too ... perhaps it is because I've been able to take these times of refreshing each day.
I hope you've a pleasant evening and day planned out for tomorrow ... set the tone for 2011 ... with times set apart for dreams and reveries!
"Reverie," it has been said, "is the Sunday of the mind" Let us often in
these days give our mind a "Sunday," in which it will do no manner of work but
simply lie still, and look upward, and spread itself out before the Lord like
Gideon's fleece, to be soaked and moistened with the dews of Heaven. Let there
be intervals when we shall do nothing, think nothing, plan nothing, but just lay
ourselves on the green lap of nature and "rest awhile." ~"Streams in the Desert"
by Mrs. Cowman~
Hi Ferree -
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed a near-perfect day. A leisurely devotional time, a chat with a friend, writing, visiting friends on the Net, spending time with my Mom all gave me a sense of well-being.
Susan :)
Sounds lovely, Susan, lots of 'wool gathering,' too. May God bless you with a near-perfect week!