Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Widows Retreat 2019!

Treat Yourself to A Widows Retreat -  
Make It A Christmas Present for YOU 
Wouldn't it be wonderful to meet women who "get it" about widowhood? Who know by experience that the Lord will not leave you stranded, but also know the pain and the struggle? That's what happens at a widows retreat. The best one to minister to a widow is another widow and that's what will happen the weekend of March 1-3, 2019. Gayle Roper, author of "A Widow's Journey" and many other wonderful books hosts this retreat. 
Wouldn't you like to be in on this time of encouragement and strengthening? Start praying about going today, and sign up soon! Please email me as soon as you register so I can help you get to know some mutual friends a bit ahead of your stay. WCplace@gmail.com
The link below is from the Sandy Cove Ministries website. Sandy Cove Retreat Center is located near the town of North East, Maryland, "serenely situated between Boston and Philadelphia." It's on Chesapeake Bay and is  beautiful! I will once again facilitate one of the small groups and I'd love to meet you. I really hope you can come!   ferree
 Being a widow is to be in a very lonely place.
People say, “Isn’t it wonderful he’s with the Lord,” and you want to yell, “No! He should be here with me.”

Spend a weekend with other widows where you are with people who understand. Come share your heart and your hurt and be encouraged as we remind ourselves that, hard as it is, our God is able. Learn from women who are where you are, women who have weathered grief and difficult times.

This weekend is for widows of all ages and at any point in the journey. Find out everything you need to know--rates, location, schedule, speakers--by clicking right here.

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