Monday, September 3, 2018

Everyone Wants to Be Happy

Another holiday weekend alone. I know it's hard.
If it weren't difficult, you wouldn't be surfing the net, nor reading this blog.
So maybe, just maybe, there's a point to it. I've learned that God uses the needs we have--perhaps even allows us to have these needs--so that we will get uncomfortable enough that we get willing to move.
Move where?
How about the place where those needs will be met?
I don't think I have to spell it out for you.
View the video, visit the website...

This particular article from tells about a 24-year-old widow who, after days of imprisonment, opened her mouth to scream--but out came a song instead.
"That night the police chief came down and said he was taking her home on one condition: "You must come to my house in three days.' Then he said,
'I don’t understand. You are not afraid of anything. My wife and daughters and all the women in my family are afraid of everything. But you are not afraid of anything. . . . I want you to come to my house so you can tell everyone why you are not afraid. And I want you to sing that song.'"
When the pressure is on, happiness extinct, the future hopeless...and you're ready to scream, what will come out of your mouth? What sound do you want to make?

Today could be your turning point for living the rest of your life. Visit the website, particularly the link to the article. Pick one of the fifteen challenges for women---if you do I'd love to hear from you on Labor Day next year. It won't be the same as today.

God's saints have been imprisoned through out the ages. Whether it's a prison with iron bars and chains, or the physical confinements of a broken down body, or a deep pit of despair--God knows, He stands with you, and he holds the ways to turn this to good right in his hand. Genesis 50:20.
💗 ferree

Don't forget: if you receive this by email or on your phone and the video doesn't show, simply click on the title and it will go to my blog site where the links will work.

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