Monday, April 16, 2018

Welcome Back to Both You and Me

I'm finally back, and I thought you might understand (and empathize) if I showed you pictures of why I've not blogged since Easter.... drum roll.... ta-da! This is grandbaby Maggie, turning 2 years old!
I've missed blogging, but as you can see--just look at that little face-- I couldn't have possibly missed the birthday party. And since she's 2900 miles away these things take time.

Thank you for understanding. I look forward to sharing soon some really good resources I've recently found.

One plus about my offline travels is that I haven't taken down my annual sale yet! It was supposed to end a while back so if you haven't yet ordered a book at the discount price now's the time to get it for 20% off -- only 11.99 plus shipping. Click on the ANNUAL BOOK SALE tab above. (If this post comes to your email please click the title to get to the website, thanks).

Have a good week,

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