We'll survive. Yes, somehow or other. That's the nature of grief. It comes in waves like that.
God knows this. He understands. As I've been thinking about the first Christmas so many eons ago, and yet still so fresh, so human, the question occurred to me as I thought about the Newborn's cry---Was this the first time God cried?
I don't know. What I do know is that Jesus lived among humanity, and grew up to be called The Man of Sorrows. He was acquainted with grief. He's able to sympathize with our weaknesses. And He offers us help.
Consider the promises in Psalm 145 and 146. In my Bible they are on opposite pages and almost directly across from each other. As I look at these pages in my open Bible, I can easily imagine them lifting up like butterfly wings--so fragile, so beautiful, so colorful--and just strong enough to fly-- helping my soul to lift, too.
Psalm 145:14 - The Lord upholds all those
who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed
Psalm 146:8 - . . . the Lord lifts up those
who are bowed down . . .
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Mourning Cloak butterfly |
Have a blessed Christmas,
♥ ferree