Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Funnie: Fall Back Tomorrow Night

This video, created by someone named I. M. Bored, tells every mind boggling detail you ever wanted to know about Daylight Saving Time! For example, I found out I've been saying it wrong for the past 50 years---there's no S at the end of Saving! I must have confused it with the spring forward/fall back tendency of my bank savingS account. oh well . . .
It's Friday. Time to lighten up---especially since it'll be a LOT darker next Friday! So for today, I hope a grin, a smile, chuckle or even a laugh comes your way. Even in the midst of grief, laughter is still the best medicine.
Turn your clock back TOMORROW NIGHT before you go to bed unless you are fortunate enough to live in most of Arizona, or certain interesting counties of Indiana where they don't want to confuse the livestock! (I love Indiana).
And have a good weekend.

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