Thursday, August 23, 2012

Then Sings My Soul

Dear Reader,

 Then Sings My Soul 3 Every once in a while I review a complimentary copy of a new book through a service called BookSneeze. I’m always on the lookout for stories that widows would benefit from, and sometimes their selection catches my attention. When I saw the lovely “Then Sings My Soul” series, I thought it might have a hymn written by a widow, since often they are! But Book 3 did not. However, it's a wonderful book, and if the first and second books are on par, I highly recommend the series!

For widows, the chapter on “Hymns As Therapy” would be very beneficial. God has given us music as a balm for the soul, and when that music contains words of truth, faith and prayer there’s nothing better. Pastor Morgan matches my own thoughts. How often the Lord will speak to us and uphold us through the words of a song!

Please read on for my review of this book.

Then Sings My Soul-- Book 3 crowns the collection of hymns and their stories begun in the first two books. Intending to keep the accounts alive for the benefit of generations to come, I hope this series will become a classic. Each tale is told with a freshness that stems from the author’s personal interest and enthusiasm for God’s evident hand in the lives of the songwriters and church.

Four main parts make for the body of the book. In section one you’ll find a history of hymnody; section two contains the hymn stories; section three is a selection of Pastor Morgan’s six favorite stories—I personally found the additional background to the beloved hymn by Horatio Spafford, “It Is Well With My Soul” very fascinating. In reading so much more of Spafford’s story I was reminded of Scripture’s suffering Job. The fourth section is from a pastor’s heart to a needy church as Morgan discusses hymns as therapy in one chapter, and blending traditional and contemporary hymns for worship in the next chapter.
There are many convenient ways to locate the hymn stories in this book. The reader may check the table of contents, or any one of the three indexes, which include alphabetical by title, author/songwriter, or the first line of the hymn. 
Then Sings My Soul, Book 3, dusts off the cover of the old hardback hymnal and brings out the author’s vast and bright storytelling. It revives the heartbeat of worship and helps the songs of our fathers become our own. In addition, Morgan includes stories of some contemporary hymns. “Shout to the Lord,” “In Christ Alone,” and several others. Accounts from Bill and Gloria Gaither are included too. The fully staffed and notated hymnal page with all the verses accompanies each story. Prop it up on your piano or keyboard and you can play and sing.    

With lively anecdotes to move the heart and record for history that God has redeemed lives and raised faith throughout the centuries, Robert J. Morgan has produced a well-organized collection that will be a welcome resource for corporate and individual worship and meditation.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255


  1. Welcome back Ferree and praise God that your back is much better. I liked our review of the book. I have always loved hymns and since losing my husband hymns have been a great source of comfort,peace and encouragement. I try to make sure we sing hymns during our prayer times in the evenings and we all enjoy and draw strenght from that time spent singing hymns. The words of many have a healing and soothing effect. A pastor's wife encouraged me to just read the words of the hymns whose tunes I don't know. The words alone can be a great blessing. Halima

  2. So true, Halima, so true. the words alone can be wonderful. the picture of you and your childrne singing during pryer time is the most beautiful of all though. It's so precious to hear from you.


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